
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Big Bunn Intro

This pic is gonna be like a old photo of Big Bunn that was sent to a lot of wrestling promotions like a resume to get attention.

fat fur bunny Kazecat

It works very well and she was quickly hired by a rival fed to TAW. (I did this since I don't wanna Big Bunn to take Jiggly or Violets job even though she looks bigger than both of them combined.) Hopefully I can see Violet and Jiggly trying to stop Big bunn in the future.


Fat Fur Kazecat Bunny


Bunny Fat Fur Kazecat



Lanif Angelkiss said...

*Blush* Holy zen, she is big! And A rival organization!?! This is bad...

So, what type of character is Big Bunn like? Good girl or (Looks at victim) Bad?

Kazecat said...

She may be a good gal on the wrong team. I'm not sure at the moment but I need to have more than one fed in my universe since I don't want everyone to assume all my girls are TAW since that's far from true. The earliest girls I made are TAW everyone else can be a rival or free agent.

Lanif Angelkiss said...

Well, I was thinking that, once I get better at writing, and get a larger audience, I want to see if I can make a plot device where you, founder of TAW, meets Luiku, Founder of S2H.

She would promise to supply you with large plump women from her group to face your girls for fun, and all you have to do is promise to do your normal squashing like before.

"Like a simple combining of corporations" she would say.

Kazecat said...

@RikkusGuardian: Hmmm, that combination does sound useful.