Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.
So if you like my art give me a watch and I'm sure you won't regret it.
She doesn't have a name but I know she wont' be full Macro as in looming over skyscrapers but she will be 40ft tall and I have no clue how heavy she will be. If you have any ideas for names let me know.
Charmed Lyon here. Her opponents should be a group of regular little guys (a team of 3 or 4), something of a macro/micro thing.
Thanks for the suggestion Rikkus but I need to let you know I have to requirements for what I want for this whales name. 1. I want the name to have come connection to the word blue and 2. it has to end with 'a' thats just something all my girls have.
- Azura (Based on the color azure) - Naveesa (Based on Navy Blue) - Beryliya (Based on http://www.faceters.com/gemstones/custom/images/sig4_cover_tuned400a.jpg ) - Saphi'era or Saphira(From Saphire)
"Kazecat's W.I.P. is a location of all my scraps and works in progress. On this site you will see me work on my pics and be able to provide feedback early on as well as see stuff that WON'T be posted on dA or FA.
Charmed Lyon here. Her opponents should be a group of regular little guys (a team of 3 or 4), something of a macro/micro thing.
Hmm, I like that idea. Any idea on what species they should be.
Hmmm...a name...?
If you want simple names:
- Luise
- Jessie or Jessica
If you want unique names:
- Lastraza
- Viva
Are these good?
Thanks for the suggestion Rikkus but I need to let you know I have to requirements for what I want for this whales name. 1. I want the name to have come connection to the word blue and 2. it has to end with 'a' thats just something all my girls have.
Names: Slamerlla, Labomba, Ballena
I like ballena! Thanks I need to look up what it means but I really like that one.
Oh, I understand. This is a hard one...
Ok,then...let's see.
Basic Names:
Origanal Names:
- Azura (Based on the color azure)
- Naveesa (Based on Navy Blue)
- Beryliya (Based on http://www.faceters.com/gemstones/custom/images/sig4_cover_tuned400a.jpg )
- Saphi'era or Saphira(From Saphire)
In before thousands of blow hole jokes. :P
She defiantly fits in with the rest of your gals. being a whale I have no doubt she'll be a heavy contender. =)
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