
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lardo's next meal

I want Lardo to be a serious threat so I decided to draw him about to mess up a Young Tiger but unlike my other jobbers I want him to look like a credible threat.



Rimsa said...

I love Lardo, he's like a younger, sexier Blag! ^ .^

Kazecat said...

That makes sense. Thats who he looks up to be like. He also borrows from Blob but not in appearance just powers.

RikkusGuardian said...

Gulp! Oh, man! He does look pretty scary! How big is lardo?

Kazecat said...

@RikkusGuardian: Lardo is supposed to be 9'6" or so and weighs about 3/4 of a ton (Since he's basicly all fat and little muscle.)

Rimsa said...

What was Blob from?
I never heard of him before =o

Kazecat said...

@Rimsa: I mean Marvel's the Blob. Here's an article on him.


Rimsa said...

Wow, neat!
So can Lardo deflect bullets with his fat too?

Kazecat said...

@Rimsa: Yeah, the gimick is he is pretty much resistant to all physical damage. So nothing thrown at him phases him or even scares him. To make up for it he's not as strong as others.

Rimsa said...

That's awesome, I love the direction you're developing him in! ^ .^

Anonymous said...

Lardo and Makuyama are awesome characters of yours. But hey, I saw you needed hosting space? I bet I can fix something for ya

Kazecat said...

@Anonymous: Oh really? Well I'm am interested. How would you be able to help me?

Anonymous said...

Well, I've still got a year hosting laying around here, and domains aren't that expensive.

If you can come up with a good domain name, you can use the space and bandwidth ;)

Anonymous said...

By the way, do you've AIM, MSN or any other IM?