
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

So if you like my art give me a watch and I'm sure you won't regret it.


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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Best Seat in the House 02

Visiting Bertha and Rapid again with an old sketch I did a few months before my slump. I've wanted to color it for a while and due to me leaving my ustream doodles I did last night at home I decided to work on this instead.

Squash Kazecat Hippo

The USP forum has 30 people in it and thanks to RikkusGuardian, Vengeful Dragon and SquashedFlat it looks like this forum may work. So I wanted to make a logo for the yahoo group and the forum.


This is my first attempt at the logo and thus why it sucks (lol). In the future I can revise this or replace it but it helps to just have a logo for the time being.


Lanif Angelkiss said...

Grrr...lucky Rapid, lookin' all chill-axed with my fave gal on him! X(

But besides my envy, i definetly have the hots for this drawing! The low angle you used here make sexy Bertha a little more dominating in the pic. but that darn wabbit thinks of it as nothing more then a back massage! If only i had his invulnerability...*Mumble grumble*

Uh oh, Kaze! The USP fourm logo you made got removed! but it just makes it more exciting to wait to see it!

Dang...i wonder what is...

Deadpool said...

Sweet low angels, as a chibby chaser this is awesome.

senorboduke said...

I think it looks wonderful, Kaze.

Btw, you might be able to RP or write stories if drawing has got you in a slump. Sometimes it's good to take a break and then come back.