
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lardo and Tiger 02

The sequel to that pic I did a month ago. Damn a month is a long slump and I don't even feel truly out of it. Here is a rough comic of what I'm planning on. Let me know if you can tell whats going on in it.


danteangelo212 said...

lardo is throwing someone against a turnbuckle

Deadpool said...

LArdo is totally gonna pwn the tiny guy. It can't possibly end well for the little guy. LArdos got size, stentch and ruthlessness on his side. Looks cool dude, keep up the good work.

danteangelo212 said...

dude you should do more of this its actually Really Good!

TheTinySumo said...

Your characters lend themselves well to the media of comics ^_^

Zeek Löwenherz said...

Ahh...the dirty players are the best. >:3

Lanif Angelkiss said...

hmmmm...from my wannabe intellegent POV, it looks like that evil lardo just tossed that poor tiger to a turn buckle. the force of the impact must damaged his back, and he slowly drifts into unconsousness...but that big rat still has some physical words to say, and charges toward his prey...

*GULP* poor dude....

Kazecat said...

@DanteAngelo212: Thats pretty much exactly it. I plan on it being on a back alley.

Kazecat said...

@Deadpool: Yeah Lardo is supposed to be dominating. Thanks for the support when I get motivated I'll try to get this colored.

Kazecat said...

@Dantedangelo212: #2

Thanks for the support dude.

Kazecat said...

You think so? I was hoping the would fit in comics well.

Kazecat said...

@Zeek Legoni:

I was hoping you would like this. I got the impression that you liked Lardo a lot and I wanted you to enjoy all future pics of him.

Kazecat said...

You nailed it man. Thats exactly what I wanted it to be. Except I was planning on putting it in a back alley. Thanks for your support dude. Did you ever get your motivation back?

Lanif Angelkiss said...

@Kaze: Sadly, i have not. i started practicing on profile heads, but that was 3 day's ago. all i've done this week was a page and a half of heads...

Kazecat said...

@RikkusGuardian: That' still good bro. As long as you get some practice in its good.