
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Shadowwolf92 Commission Progress

This commission went from "I dunno what to do with it" to "I'm liking it a lot". Since dragons aren't really my thing (I know they are cool but since they are overpowered to me I just don't like using them or seeing them). However I started talking with Sugarpaw about it and ideas just kept getting added on to his original request. So now we have a Macro Muscle fat dragon looming over a tiny fox (in all honesty I know the fox is drawn like crap but its only there to give an impression of scale.

On a little tidbit of information. Addylad was the one who paid for this giving it to his friend as a gift. That's so wonderfully kind I just wanted it to be known.

Inks are complete! Yay! So that means that on the way to work tomorrow I can color this bad boy and call this commission complete. So I'm gonna say the estimated time of completion for this image will be 9:00 PM December 28. I'll hope you all will enjoy the final product.

Here is the current progress on the colors. I decided against a background since it will eat time too much time in this case. I want him to look intimidating so the image is very dark. I actually brightened the background just so you could see him better in this shot.

Final Product:
Fur Affinity

The image is now complete Feel Free to take a look on my main gallery sites.


Anonymous said...

looks dealy and awesome. the only problem is I CAN'T TELL IF THATS A BOY OR A GIRL!!!!!!

Kazecat said...

@Anonymous: Its a male.

Anonymous said...


All i can think of right now is "Oh. S@&%.", K-cat. he's a BIG mama-jama! I hope he's a nice guy!


Draaay said...

pretty darn awesome, I heavily approve of this and his towering bulk of awesome X3 that little fox is gonna be lucky in my book whatever the big fella decides to do to him X3
also I agree about the dragon thing, everyone seems to think of them as some overly powerful and untouchable being V:

Anonymous said...

=o AWKWERD. lol im stupid =P yet I have an adorables evil laugh I use when ever I play against my cousins on ssb melee.

Kazecat said...

@RKGD: Well I hope he isn't for that foxes sake. :D

Kazecat said...

I'm glad you like the client also likes this rendition of his character so I hope to have it done monday.

Kazecat said...

@Anonymous4: I'm sorry but I don't speak Japanese and google translate didn't translate that well.

Anonymous said...

i dont speak japenese either. that means we both have something in common. =D by the way you said you were gonna work on svety.

Anonymous said...

Awesome job Kaze. I do agree large dragons look overpowered and intimidating, but somehow broadcast a special indescribable feeling

tl;dr make more dragons lol

Kazecat said...

@anonymous 5: Hold your horses. I'll get to Svetlana eventually when I have an idea that takes advantage of her assets. right now I'm focusing on getting commissions done.

Kazecat said...

@Anonymous 6: I may have to do more dragons considering how much I liked this image.