
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Idle stuff

This is a concept sketch for Cynthia Hippo who will be Lucky Fox's Girlfriend. The original idea for Cynthia was that she was a back up dancer hippo. Which while that is cool I just drew Hyacinth, so if I have to do again lets just stick with Hyacinth since anything less would just be a lame rip off. I hated that concept so I asked Vengeful to go in a different direction design wise. This is the result of the first concept sketch.

This joke pic I did in an open Canvas session with GL. It was just a fun idea and I laughed at it while I drew it.

I wanted to see another Bertha pic for a while now but since I work on commissions mostly I put it on the backburner. However since Vengeful didn't have an idea ready I just moved on and drew this on the way to work. Do y'all think I should color it.

With the last days of the poll coming soon. I'm open to suggestions on what the winner does in their victory pic.


Nero said...

Cynthia should have about mid back length hair, that hangs down in a pony tail, and Lardo should be farting an opponent to KO.

Anonymous said...

I dunno. Do you think you should color the bertha pic? I say go wit da floo

Kazecat said...

@Nero: Cynthia isn't mine so I don't have a final say on her design. You should suggest that to VengefulD.

@Anonymous: Well I'd like to but its on the back burner again due to commissions. Also is there enough of an interest in it to color it?