
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

So if you like my art give me a watch and I'm sure you won't regret it.


Watch live streaming video from kazecatsstream at livestream.com

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jiggly Bloo | Lift of Sempai

Why did I spell it "Bloo"?  I did it be because illiteracy is kewl.  :/ *sarcasim*
I did this while waiting for my friend Devi.  Not bad for a hold over sketch.


Lift of Sempai

I finished this in today's(2/22/2010) stream.  I'm fairly pleased with it and now that leaves only one commission to go for Sempai.


Sammy! said...

Nice!!! ^_^

Kazecat said...

@Sammy!: Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

you've done it again kaze! yet I envy you cuz you'r a cool artist to me!!!

Kazecat said...

@Anonymous: No need to be envious. There are other parts of my life that really suck and show off my dumb decisions.

Anonymous said...

dat ass