
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

So if you like my art give me a watch and I'm sure you won't regret it.


Watch live streaming video from kazecatsstream at livestream.com

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cutie Elephant.

I did this tonight in a ustream it was fun and I got a great crowd of people to watch this get created. As I said early I was just playing around and made this. I may finish it since its a good little piece of 2d animation.


RikkusGuardian said...

Yeah, that Ustream was fun! It was my first one I ever been to, but I felt really welcome. Thanks agian for it!

(Sigh, lucky victim...)

Kazecat said...

Glad you enjoyed it Rikku. I don't plan to do them often but I'll try to let you know if I do.