Emperor (Lion-Bear) concept
This guy is still being conceptualized but the concept of a bear and a lion in one dude sounds badass and intimidating. So he's gonna be a worthy rival to Makuyama.
Makuyama, I didn't finished this doodle since its not really anything fancy. Just a pic of him bending over to pick up something off screen.
makue! *hug*
A bear AND lion hybrid? oh, damn, he sounds really poweful already!!! *Gulps*
Bear and lion, eh? Looks quite intimidating n' tough indeed!
bearlion, sound like something outta avatar, the last airbender.
Glad your starting to dive into the realm of mythology a bit maybe it won't be long before ya can meet my large yeti woman I created some ways back witha friend.
awesome as always!!
@Anonymous: Maku is a cool guy so I'm sure he'll appriciate that.
@RikkusGuardian: Yeah, I'm hoping he'll be intimidating and a worthy rival to Makuyama.
@The Tiny Sumo: Thank you.
@Nero: Yeah, avatar had a lot of hybrids But I like hybrids since you can just choose two species you like.
@Damion009: Thank you.
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