
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

So if you like my art give me a watch and I'm sure you won't regret it.


Watch live streaming video from kazecatsstream at livestream.com

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kazecat 2010 progress

I was working on this on in the stream but I decided not to since I felt bad. I mean I didn't wanna waste everyones time on just a pic of me and I didn't want to rush this one either. Colors should come soon then Pyro's Commission.


Lanif Angelkiss said...

Oh, damn. you look pretty powerful, mate! Zangif would be proud!

i'm a little shocked, though. your character's a little shorter than i thought?

Kazecat said...

@RikkusGuardian: Yeah I don't want Kaze to be tall. I never did since I have other characters can have the intimidating height.

Lanif Angelkiss said...

yeah, that's understandable. makes the squashers look bigger when they're squishin' you!

man, you've become a great color artist over time.

heh, this is random, but remember when i first commented you? it was way back when you made a journal about a bird that was attacking you for no reason! i was SO nervous talking to a popular artist like you! X3

Basque said...

Kazecat, it's fantastic to see your artwork keep getting better! You did an excellent job kicking off the New Year with some great stuff. ^^

I also want to say I'm very impressed with the fact you've been doing polls and streaming! I'm sorry I've been busy, I really hope to get the opportunity to watch you draw. I also appreciate the fact you care enough about your fanbase to let them vote for subject matter. I was surprised some of your fans got so up-in-arms about it; you've got too many sexy characters. XD

Speaking of the polls, I'm glad I got to vote on the current one. My vote is probably obvious, since Pastillia is one of my favorite characters (it was great to see her again in the recent image by the way) but I do think I should explain my "Other" vote. Although you definitely picked what you do best for the poll, I wanted to point out a couple of other things you've done very well, particularly in some recent images.

First of all, I was thinking of was the dynamism or feeling of movement in stuff like the second image of the 01/18/10 stream. That's just the most recent example, your done it a lot in the past with works like "Brutal Impact" and "Worst Case Scenario." I think you can use both the character's pose and the background together to create a real sense of movement and I think that's very impressive.

The second thing I think you've been doing very well, especially in this image of Kazecat, is the musculature. I saw the muscle practice submission and I think your hard work really paid off. Although Kazecat's one of your only characters with the body-tpe to show off abs and such, you can even tell with other characters how good the shoulders and other defined muscles are.

Finally, what I suppose is one of the smaller things that I still really enjoy in your work is one specific type of expression. It's a kind of open-mouth wicked grin; I think the first time I saw it was in "Aroma's Finisher," you did it again with Nidoqueen and just recently with Lardo. I don't think I've really seen it a lot elsewhere-I think it's something very unique that you do very well.

I do want to comment on this recent image of Kazecat because like I said before I think you did a really good job on it. I think it's some of the most defined musculature we've seen in your work. I also think the shading does a really remarkable job at giving great depth to the image. The details are very clean and work very well. I like how the top stretches across the muscles and I think the shadows on the pants for the folds and the pockets.

I should probably stop wasting your time with rambling, but just a couple quick notes about the new Pastillia image because it was really great to see her again. Although it doesn't have the same definition of your high-quality work, I think your linework is very solid. I like the how the highlights accent her curves. Plus I think this is really stylized and I like that. The bio-hazard symbol is a great touch, and I really like how you did the sound effect.

Thanks again for sharing your work, Kazecat. ^^ I really hope everything works out well for you!