
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

So if you like my art give me a watch and I'm sure you won't regret it.


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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jiggly rest

I drew this based off a photo.  But in Jiggly's case it doesn't make sense. 

I colored this real quick just cause I like the drawing a lot.

I spent some time coloring it.  But man with no sleep its hard to stay focused on top of the other worries in my head.  Nothing serious mind you but my mind isn't as dedicated to art like it should be.  I will say that if it looks funny that's because so far it has no highlights are lighting added to it.  So its shadows and mid tones only right now.  I'll finish it soon.

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