
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chronological Updates from DA Tutorial

Step one: go to your deviantArt gallery

Step two: click the "SitBack" icon

Step three: Is the only hard to explain part. You see your gallery on DA has a code that it uses to feed to blogger properly
and sit back will show you this code easily.

Step four: Sitback will show you all the images in your gallery, at the top it will have an address and at the very end.
You will see: "gallery:'username'/code". That code is the Key!

Step five: Type "http://search.deviantart.com/?q=" into your address bar and use "
"Gallery:'username'/'code'" for the last part.

Step six: the page that comes up list you gallery in chronological order just like you need it too. Copy that link into Blogger with the "Blog links" apps and it will show the most recent thing in your gallery.

I saw this on Gill Panda's Blog and I was curious as to how he did it. So I asked him and he said he forgot. (At first I was pissed since I thought he just conveniently forgot so he wouldn't have to help me but when trying to do this it really was tedious figuring it out. So now I don't view it the same way as I did earlier.) I have a headache from how overly extensive it is to get such a simple trick to work. Images will come for this walk through later but only if necessary.

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