
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lardo Comic Progress

I didn't forget this comic I just didn't wanna work on it. But I felt the urge so I tried my hand at it. And yes I know I suck at comic production due to not wanting to do it in mid project and I apologize. I do hope that the final product will be good. It won't be worth the wait since the wait is damn long but I still wanna aim for damn good.


I've added page 3 and I'm gonna proceed to inking these unless there is something pointed out to me soon that I need to change.


Anonymous said...

omg! lardo is a deadly rat i dont wanna mess with. hey kaze, when are ya gonna finish the aroma jiggly and papes pic? i would really like to see it finished.

Kazecat said...

The Papes, Jigg, and Aroma pic is considered a scrap. Its not going further than where its at unless Paper specifically ask me to finish it.

I really didn't like it and just felt better moving on and considering it a good idea but had terrible execution.

TheTinySumo said...

Impressive comic!
It flows nicely from one move to the next. I like how it all leads up to a climactic squashing.

Kazecat said...

@TheTinySumo: That is great news for me since that was one of my major concerns. I'm glad it flows as well as I hoped it would.

Rimsa said...

Freaking awesome!!
I love it! x3

Kazecat said...

@Rimsa: Well I'm glad you like it. I should start inking it soon.