
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lots of Scraps

I've been doodling for a long time today.  All the above doodles suck AND that's not even all of them.  I'm gonna have to link y'all to to more since they are male and adult and I'm sure this blog attracts a crowd that wants the girls more.

The links have a hyper and a pic with Maku and Kaze.  They aren't posted as images since I'm not sure everyone wants to see them.
Rose (Hyper)
Makuyama and Kaze (Mature)

Rose © FindingEden
Addylad © Addylad
Rackun © Rackun

Devi © Lesang
I doodle this one late at night just because I really really wanna cram so I can improve by drawing as much as possible.  The oC crashed in record time though and we disconnected.  I headed to bed after that.

For HocusPukeus' Commission.  I want have these two smothering someone with butt and boobs but I want him to approve or tell me what to change before I continue.


Chibijohnny said...

A Maku heavy batch, eh? Well, let me see what I can point out.

Though they are just scrap pictures, I can at least say as far as the Maku pics are concerned, I liked the 2nd one. Even I'll admit that's a nice ass shot of him. Not to mention the one with him and Kaze as well.

The Bertha pic is a scrap too, but it's not that bad.

And that was a fast coloring job on the Addylad pic! It looks great!

Kazecat said...

@ChibiJohnny: Thank you for your comments on all my scraps.

I wanted to get the addylad pic done today but I did so many other things that it really hurt my chances of finishing.

Chibijohnny said...

Oh MAN! That Devi pic is so hot! There's not one part of it I don't like.

The hair, the eyes, the devious smile, the body shape, the generous cleavage shot, the curves, the pac man shirt, EVERYTHING.

Sorry, but that one was worth commenting again so soon. :3

Chibijohnny said...


Man, you don't let up with these awesome commissions, do you? Boob and Butt smothered by Kyodai & Shiri sounds like heaven! I hope he approves, cause I know I do.