
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

So if you like my art give me a watch and I'm sure you won't regret it.


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Monday, April 12, 2010

Slim Hippo 2010

Slim Hippo returns or will he?  This is an attempt at making him look more interesting, he still has his familys huge ass and a costume to show it off more so than before.  A new color scheme since his old one was stolen by Jumbo and I dunno what else.  But I will say that this version of him isn't boring like the other drawings I did of him to me.

If you don't know he is Bertha's older brother.  So the fat ass thing just runs in the family.

P.S. Polls closed and the winner is weekly streams are requested.  So I should do it but not over do it alright I get the message guys and I'll try to stream weekly from now on.

Jiggly Donuts

Doodled on the way to work as another attempt to practice bellies.  I know I say I'm practicing bellies but I keep drawing the rest of her as well so I guess thats a bonus for you guys.


Rimsa said...

Yay! I love his redesign!
Freaking awesome ^ .^

Nero Angelus said...

Not bad on the slim redesign. I am not sure how I feel about the yellow look I really did like his original design more. I like the full bodu cover. Sides if you decide to make him gross out you can have him stick tiny furries into his tights and then fart on them sort of a portable dutch oven as it where.

Props for trying to reinvent the character its a cool call, I am glad to see you taking him back into consideration.

An if he teams up with Lardo there costumes would look similar jsut being trunks. So my advice stick with the full suit one, it looked cooler in my opinion and really made him stand out more.

Anonymous said...

I <3 slim, well done again kaze

do you mind if i ask you what tablet you use for drawing?

Kazecat said...

@Rimsa: Thank you. I hope it has appeal when I start doing pics with him.

@Nero: His original costume was nice but the color scheme is taken now so he can't go back to that.

@Anonymous: Thank you, and yes I use an Intuos 3 6 x 8

Anonymous said...

I wished slim to be gassy.:p

Anonymous said...

I wished Slim is gassy. :p