
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sempai Commission #3 - FINALLY!!1

Sempai Kevin is a really really cool dude.  So I hate that I'm taking so long on his commission.  :-( 
A dude that cool doesn't deserve that but here is my progress on his request.

Sempai  © Sempai-Kevin

Here are some gripes I had with this concept.  I tried copying the ref he gave me first but that made me feel lame.  Then I tried a simplified side shot of it and that was boring to me, so I ended up with this one which so far I like.  I really hope Sempai likes it since if I'm lucky I'll try to color this tonight then I could finish Devin's commission and start on new ones and get some money comming in.  Because damn I really need it.

P.S. I did raise my commission prices from $40 for colors to $60 for colors.  I did this not to be a douche but my income sucks and I need a new computer.  So I'm not asking for sympathy but I just wanted to let you know that I'm not doing it out of greed but just necessity.


Nero said...

So damn sexy!

Anonymous said...

you could make penumbra fart in that pic too.

Anonymous said...

Love it man

SR71ALPHA said...

I love it even when she's smooshing her boobs on the surface.

Anonymous said...

is this the bridge of sempai pic?

Anonymous said...

is this the bridge of sempai pic?