
Welcome to Kaze's W.I.P. page, here you will find the images, animation, 3d models and etc. that I'm working on. Since a lot of my stuff goes unfinished you may find some stuff exclusively here.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pastillia Blast

I promised I'd do this for Nero since he came up with a very nice origin for Pastillia. This also proves my point of why its hard to do a low angle of Pastillia her butt will completely hide her front with a low angle. Even a low side angle her ass is just too big so I have to do a seperate window to show her torso as she gasses....some random guy in this sketch.

Pastillia Blast


Nero Angelus said...

Not bad kae, I'd like to discuss it more with you before you continue. I'd like to help you best I can. So please feel free to contact me. The sketch looks good though your off to a great start.

Anonymous said...

I must agree, the low angle shot must be pretty hard to do! I forgot to ask, is her hair style based on SadiCat or Maruskunk? It reminds me show much of them!


Kazecat said...

@Nero Angelus: Well I'll be online this afternoon so you can hit me up then.

Kazecat said...

@RKGD: Well its based off a lot of anime character's with wild hair. So its not exactly based off Sadi or Maru.

Lanif Angelkiss said...

@Kaze: Ah, I see. Well, I love her hair. It gives her a very wild look to it!